Role Call !!!

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Jan 24, 2010
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East Brizzal
Thought it might be a poignant moment to have a bit of a role call and find out how it’s going around the country and indeed around the world :mrgreen:
I’m in Bristol UK and I’m still working because I’m now an Asda delivery driver for just over two years or so :p Mrs Ozziedog is on furlough for a good sized construction company and doing a bit of volunteering for our local old peeps place where coincidentally her mum is banged up :shock: She also volunteered for the hospital at Southmead but then found she couldn’t do both :roll:
I think I may have already had it or an early version of it <<< see what I did there :lol:
I had a “”thing”” at Christmas and felt very very beat up and tired on Christmas Day culminating in Mrs Ozziedog and me going home early as I had got so tired. I was almost bed bound for approximately four days. I had sweats and shivers and fever complete with hallucinations and losing it every so often, plus a gurgling in my throat or further down as I breathed, something like having ate and drunk way too much whilst having the flu when I used to smoke heavily. Mrs Ozziedog had a milder version later on maybe a week to a fortnight later. Having spoken to lots of peeps in my job, obvs from a distance, several have had similar experiences including a fortnight in the hospital with an unknown virus and this was back in November and this chap said his good lady also had a mild version a couple of weeks after :shock:
Consensus of opinion is this nice little stay is at home will put a lot of peeps off retiring :lol:
So how’s everyone doing all around the place? Anybody going stir crazy yet? The Mrs reckons if we was both home all the time, that we’d have a brand new patio ;)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,, with one of us under it :mrgreen: :lol: :mrgreen:
Checking in here from Gloucester. I'm still working, I do alternate days in the office and working from home :msn4: . Work is down to critical staff only so its quiet and therfore safe to be here for me. My wife is working from home full time and is flat out everyday as she is helping manage the aquisition of ventilaors, ppe, infrastructure etc. Daughter is caning snapchat, tik-tok and instagram whilst hoping she gets out in time for her 18th in August ...

My van is not at home :( but so far I've re stained all the decking, removed a front garden section and converted it to additional parking, replaced a run of fencing and demolished an old and subsequently built a new shed all luckily with stuff I had 'ready to go'. I'm now running out of 'stock' and also have a lot of scrap wood etc in my garden :lol: I might have to bite the bullet and order a skip if the tips don't re-open.

Lots of cycling though, weathers been great and the roads quiet.

Hope everyone is safe and well.
Swansea, working 2 days a week in the office in Cardiff then doing very little at home, completed all DIY etc. I am playing the game properly so haven’t been to B and Q for compost or Screwfix for DIY bits. The Van is in the garage in work I could move it home but I think I would get some funny looks driving a camper west through wales on the M4. Luckily I live in the wilds so some good runs around me. My fitness is coming on. Some very funny stuff flying on Wattsapp from the lads in work, can’t share most of it on here :D
Just hitting a load of tracks on UTube, as I’ve heard that they’re about to polish off this app I’m using. So I’m
only “”””listening “”” now ;) ;) ;) . Loads of old reggae and a bit more Northern Soul too, I got the snake on at the moment by Al WILSON. :mrgreen: Some of the guys over on the LateBay started me off again this morning with
Eskimo Walk by Hub Brando, then another of his titled Easy, then I’m on to the Exotics with Ginger Snaps :mrgreen: Just got Dobie Gray on with out on the floor for any Northern junkies :lol:
It’s my two days off now, but I still feel guilty about sitting about and “Tracking “as I call it while Mrs Ozziedog is stood in the queue at Asda and getting me sumfink nice for me tea. Might ring her up and remind her I could do with some icecream :roll:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,am I that brave?
Croston Lancashire (Britain in Bloom finalist 2020)

Still working (Essential Manufacturing) travelling to Trafford Park Manchester daily, wife’s now furloughed (Estate Agency).

Van’s not at home (at garage at my rental property) ... but brought home to do a few jobs and celebrate her 50th birthday.

Shed has never looked as tidy, proper little Campervan workshop now, with tunes (Alexa) and Beer (Various) on the go ... as well as Carbs Dizzy’s and a Steering Box stripped and cleaned ... 2020 is currently the year of refurbishment ... I probably have enough spares to outlast me [emoji1787]

I also was really really bad for about 2 weeks before Xmas that had me in bed for 8pm on Xmas eve ... and I never say no to a drink.

Makes you wonder doesn’t it?

Today I will pick up some building sand for this weekends activities. I haven’t been this excited about Sand since I was about 5yrs old [emoji1787]

Stay safe folks [emoji106]

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ozziedog said:
Loads of old reggae and a bit more Northern Soul too, I got the snake on at the moment by Al WILSON. :mrgreen: Some of the guys over on the LateBay started me off again this morning with
Eskimo Walk by Hub Brando, then another of his titled Easy, then I’m on to the Exotics with Ginger Snaps :mrgreen: Just got Dobie Gray on with out on the floor for any Northern junkies :lol:

Keep the faith Ozzie. Crack the flares out and get Mrs O to get you some talcum powder in the shopping? 8)
ozziedog said:
I’m in Bristol UK and I’m still working because I’m now an Asda delivery driver

Well done to you, I consider workers like you (Royal Mail, food shop and warehouse workers, delivery drivers etc) essential (along with the obvious NHS), so thank you for continuing to work right now.

I know a few people who rely on food home deliveries.

I'd give you thanks if I could ... ;) :poke: @Johnny :p
ozziedog said:
Just hitting a load of tracks on UTube, as I’ve heard that they’re about to polish off this app I’m using. So I’m
only “”””listening “”” now ;) ;) ;) . Loads of old reggae and a bit more Northern Soul too, I got the snake on at the moment by Al WILSON. :mrgreen: Some of the guys over on the LateBay started me off again this morning with
Eskimo Walk by Hub Brando, then another of his titled Easy, then I’m on to the Exotics with Ginger Snaps :mrgreen: Just got Dobie Gray on with out on the floor for any Northern junkies :lol:
It’s my two days off now, but I still feel guilty about sitting about and “Tracking “as I call it while Mrs Ozziedog is stood in the queue at Asda and getting me sumfink nice for me tea. Might ring her up and remind her I could do with some icecream :roll:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,am I that brave?

Do they do “Sella” icecream nowdays then?? 😜
Grantham Lincolnshire. I took early retirement in 2018 due to stress related illness from my job in IT for a large Japanese bank. Don't think the missus or myself have had it, but you never know. Being in our 60's we are trying to keep isolated (missing our granddaughter) but I get to take the dog for a walk everyday keeping clear of everyone. Started to do some work on our bus, need to replace the rearmost cross member and an outrigger.
Stay safe everyone...
LOL, LOL, and LOL again :lol: :lol: :lol: ,
Stella icecream !!!!!!! You'll have me in an Early grave you will <<< See, I did it again :lol:

Love watching the dancers too with that Northern malarkey. probs the fore runner to that Hip Hop and break dance too when you see some of the '''Athleticos''' having a workout in their not quite so white vests and their exceptionally well ventilated ankles. You could get a very good slapping from them trouser cuffs as they're so baggy and so wildly high :lol:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,those with the faith,,,,we're gliiiiding :mrgreen:
Big thanks to all for livening up the page, I should imagine we may tempt a few glancers to try and remember how to be posters, as some may have a spare minute or three at the moment.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I said posters not posers :mrgreen:
I’m not one to usually bleat on about my job (mainly because it is very hard to make it sound interesting!) but I am the workshop planning manager for Air Products. Between myself, team and colleagues, we have successfully installed the liquid oxygen storage and delivery systems that are supporting the two NHS Nightingale hospitals, the Louisa Jordan in Glasgow and a number of existing hospitals such as Southmead and Manchester Royal Infirmary.

Whilst we all hope that no-one will need to use them, it has been a very proud part of my career to be able to support such massive government projects and at such short notice, with the potential to save thousands of lives. It has been a stressful few weeks, and never have I more looked forward to some weekends away in the camper with the relaxing atmosphere of an evening bbq, fire pit, beers and banter.

Stay safe peops.

Roll on the summer.

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Well I'm one of the ones who rarely posts, but here goes.

I'm in Kent and since I work from home not a lot has changed for me. I work for a large pharma company supporting the manufacturing and research teams, so I'm not directly involved in any of the treatments or vaccines that I know are being worked on tremendously hard.

It's unprecedented what is happening with companies working together and things that normally take years getting done in weeks. No stone is being left unturned in finding treatments and vaccines and working a way of getting large volumes manufactured as quickly as possible.

I should try and post more often.

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Another Bristolian here.
I've not worked for 5 weeks as most of my work is electrical compliance and testing contracts in Hospitals, retirement, care and children's homes.
No light visible at the end of the tunnel here, so I've been doing all the outstanding jobs around the house and garden.
Did I say I hate decorating with a passion.
My wife is working from home as she's part of the NHS PPE supply chain, not the least stressful job at the moment.
I'm keeping the local breweries going by currently depleting all my beer and snack stocks.

We were all really ill back at the end of October last year with flu-like symptoms that took weeks to fully recover from, especially my daughter who suffers from asthma.
Hi All,
Hope everyone is being careful. Pippa and I live in Langport , and for those not knowing it is in mid Somerset.
If you draw a circle around our town that covers 15 miles you would reach the following towns'
Taunton Yeoville Glastonbury Ilminster ILchester and Bridgewater. The town was the place of the first bank in England and
was a port on the Parrot river. More history you will have to look up. :lol: :lol:

Pippa is at home furloughed, down at times but bearing up , I also have a very clean house. :lol: :lol:

I will admit to at times being envious of the situation as I would love to be home doing some maintenance etc.... :lol: :lol:
However I am not complaining and am very happy to be healthy and employed and doing my bit. As some of you know
I recently changed jobs just before this debacle and was very happy to be told "not to worry, you have lots to do".
I work for a company that is supplying the industrial heating for all the new hospitals around the country.

Well, take care all of you and hope to see you all (realistically) out there next year, when all is clean and clear.

Stay Virus Free
J & P
:D :D :D
Brilliant to hear from everyone and fantastic to hear some of the things that our friends are doing. I’m a bit in awe of how different companies are getting stuck in right across the board and amazed at all the different little parts that are needed to get organised and how it’s just whizzing around. I’m just a bit gob smacked at what you little tinkers have been up to .

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,, good old lot on here. :mrgreen:
Leicester: David E here
spent 3 weeks building raised beds and moving 7 tonnes topsoil by wheel barrow to fill them! Plus being busy doing C&C magazine and sourcing cool new articles to replace usual show coverage...
missing seeing grandchildren and old buses,and wishing i owned one still! P
Hi David E, I didn’t realise that you were busless. Might be a nice time to be a buyer at the moment. How long until you’re tempted ?? I’m also missing all the little guys in our family too

Ozziedog,,,,,,,, hope it’s not long. :mrgreen:
I'm in Cheltenham, Glos. and currently working from home, not something I've done before. I'm actually quite enjoying it. Been doing quite a bit of cycling - most days, I usually road ride but have switched to mountain biking as it seems like I'm getting more of a workout for the time spent.
I've done some van jobs, but not really got any more spare time than usual. Lucky I got my van back from the garage about 2 weeks before the shut down.
I did manage to sleep in it on the drive a few weeks ago which was fun.
I've been spending more on beer and wine for some reason.
All the best everyone.

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