Creationism or evolution

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Creationism or Evolution?

  • I believe in Creationism

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • I believe in Evolution

    Votes: 16 94.1%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
I have just been reading the new and so they say although I never trust anything the news says, Creationism is picking up more supporters in the UK, so I wondered what people on here believed in.
Dance like no ones watching, sing like no ones listening and laugh as loud and as often as possible.

Don't worry about how it got here, just make sure my kids enjoy it as much as I have!!!

evolution all the way. im into science and like a right and a wrong answer. im not a i big fan of blind faith.
im certainly not behaving myself on the off chance i might get a good seat on the plane to heaven.
hmm Creative do some nice stuff but Evolution is pretty good too...

oops sorry misread that - thought you meant Creativism... :lol:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
andewilson said:
evolution all the way. im into science and like a right and a wrong answer. im not a i big fan of blind faith.
im certainly not behaving myself on the off chance i might get a good seat on the plane to heaven.

It is possible to believe in evolution and still be religious/believe in God.

I havn't entirely made up my mind, but I believe evolution has been going on for many years.

I have heard the view that the 7 days were 7 'ages' - i.e. that evolution was caused by God, which took place over 7 periods of time. I believe the Hebrew wording in the original bible is a bit vague and can be interpreted as 'day' or 'age'.

This is a rather deep thread for on here :lol:
yes you can dude, Darwin did it. It is a little deep you are right but you know what I am not sure who created the camper, the master race or god, or are they one of the same. Hahaha
Don't get religious beliefs confused with a Creator. One cannot deny the design evident in life, and If there is design - there's got to be a designer, can't get simpler than that! I.M.O. :D
Its too late for this, I'm going to bed! :!:

and yes you can apparently believe in god and the teachings of which ever prophet you want only you understand that it isnt a literal taking indeed the stories were elevated in to fantasy realms purely to aid the passing on of the stories, the meaning behind is what should be taken on board....
Religion = organised control, most churches belief systems revolve around money anyway. Per capita the richest state in the world? yes, the Vatican, and its all stolen nazi gold ;) i guess it would be hypocritical saying as we are all driving 'Hitlers Clogs'
There is no god im afraid, sorry to burst peoples bubbles that we are going somewhere nice when we croak it, but its worm food im afraid. If im wrong, let me know when you get there. :wink:

Sorry i believe in fact and science, things that can be proved or disproved. So its with evolution for me especially as i seem to bare a very large resemblance with a chimp :wink:
Gotta agree with Easy on this one.

I show respect to anyone who follows a religion but come on, do you really think there was some dude who made this all happen??

As for that virgin mary, getting up the duff without doing it, hmmmm, sounds one for jeremy kyle that!!
The program about the Hadron collider was interesting and the theory about how the universe was formed. The problem is with creationists, when you try to have a sensible debate anything they don't understand is... "the devils work"

Don't get me wrong i have upmost respect for those with religious beliefs, its just not for me. I come from a Science background, science at school, university and work, maybe thats why.
Its evolution for me,
Its not that i dont beleive in religion but surely if there is an almighty character up above there is no way that they would let the earth get itself in this state (unless it is fun to watch from above!) with out interveneing (unless thats where mother nature gets involved)
Its not the earth that needs saving, its the human race. Even if we do muck it up badly and all get wiped out, mother nature will find the balance again and return the equilibrum before things went wrong.

All this nonsence about global warming is an excuse for Companys and the Govts to make more money through taxes etc. Its all part of the natural cycle of iceages and we happen to be near the warmest period of this particular iceage.
Big T said:
As for that virgin mary, getting up the duff without doing it, hmmmm, sounds one for jeremy kyle that!!

All a bit suspect to me, sounds like an excuse from a good night out on the town and too much wine to me.

Everyone to there own, you believe what you wish and follow want you want, but I agree with easy the worms have the last laugh :|

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