Vw Tattoos

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Oct 5, 2006
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Anybody got one or 2??

Been thinking about it, need some ideas 8)
mine, the one on the left is a bug the other is a split :? yet to do one of my bay :D
Cool and the gang!!! Now that is a grand idea, using the tribal theme. Liking them!

Hmmmmmm keep them ideas coming!! 8) 8)
:D thanks , the wife designed the bug one and i did the split 8)
My wife loves tats on me and love the vw theme.
I have a load of tats but not a VW one yet.

Here is me latest one. Got it at the London Tattoo convention this year buy a guy at the famous Forever Tattoo studio in California!


Ive got a leg sleeve aswell, its work in progress and isn`t quite finished yet. Ill find a pic in a min. 8)
okay found it, as i said its not finished yet, but has taken over a year so far!

Its not to bad atall, the knee is a bit weird as its straight on the bone, but everything else is okay.

Just relax and think of new stuff for the bay when your having it done, works for me! :wink:
I know i sounds odd, but there is somthing about the pain :lol:
its a hobby :wink:

forgot to say , that is one hell of a leg sleave 8)
andys, I like them, they're well subtle. 8)

Easy, that's some hardcore stuff you've got there. I'm quite a fan of that sort of reverse tattoo method, i.e. small untattooed area surrounded by black.

Personally I don't have any tats, VW or not. I do have a shed load of implants and some scarification though! :lol:
im mad about tattoos..i have 5 sets, 10 individual ones and want more

and some more piercings

and some branding....

Implants can look super call, i like the coral ones, they can become amazing! Branding is a possible on my list but have got a full arm sleeve planned and then its me back, so that should take a few years yet. May have another piercing but most things covered now. :wink:

Lets see some pics of you tats etc, that way when we all meet up we can all identify ourselves!
I'm not really a big fan of branding, I feel it tends to come up pretty unclear compared to scarification, and it's pretty hard to get any sort of decent design going with it.
Have you seen those quarterising guns. They look like a large marker pen, except at the end they have a really fine filament, which enables you to do very detailed work, and all the stuff I have seen comes up really good.

I am an ink fan though, so need to fill up arms etc before I go to anything else, but there is always incorporating it into a tattoo which is cool.

branding can look naff if the design is too detailed, on something basic i think it looks good

im going to book in my next tattoo this week, im more excited about that than christmas!! :D
im booked in this saturday just having one touched up a little faded out in the sun to much.

plus having a few measurements taken for a coverup tatto :)
Speaking from experience branding looks fantastic, when it's done. It's after it heals that it looks crap. 99% of the pics out there are taken before the thing totally heals. Brands tend to pull the skin tight as they're done, making them look neat. Over time as the skin loosens and scabbing forms they loose the crispness of their sharp edges, making them look really rough and blurred. Also it tends to make any lines too close together blend into each other. You don't get these issues with scarification.
Hmm maybe the ink is what I will stick to, mind you I have got about 20 piercings and a couple of flesh tunnels to keep me busy :wink:

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