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  1. W

    Spotted Wendy(?)

    Yes!! Fame at last :mrgreen: That's mine :) and thank you, getting there slowly. Just need a bit more time and money and it'll be sorted... :lol:
  2. W

    Red Nose Day Fundraising

    Done :) Good luck Hannah :mrgreen:
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    Nose up, arse down...

    D'oh :oops: Sorry, thanks Squareweave :mrgreen:
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    Nose up, arse down...

    Thanks Pickles, I'll have a look at that. It feels like we've replaced pretty much everything below the belt line, might as well add them to the list :roll: :lol:
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    Nose up, arse down...

    Thanks for the replies, it hasn't been driven around other than back and forth out of the factory unit. Hopefully the combination of a couple of passengers the wrong side of 10 stone, a bit of time and a roof rack at the front :lol: will bring him back down to earth a bit! :mrgreen: I like...
  6. W

    Nose up, arse down...

    Hi Trikky No, we didn't remove the torsion bars, just took the arms off. W
  7. W

    Nose up, arse down...

    Hi Lee I live in Belmont right now but hopefully moving to Houghton soon. The bus is currently resident in my boyfs's fakker, just so we don't have to work in the wet :mrgreen: but it has been hiding under a cover on my driveway for a long time! Hopefully the elusive MOT will be mine soon so...
  8. W

    Nose up, arse down...

    Thank you :D I'm glad it's normal!! I can relate to the rear sagging as it's the same age as me ;)
  9. W

    Nose up, arse down...

    Morning :) Can anyone suggest why the front end of my bus is sitting so high compared to the back? There has been no 'lowering' done at the back end but we have done stuff at the front end. We fitted new ball joints, which involved taking the torsion arms off to have the new joints pressed in...
  10. W

    Fellow sunroof bus owners...

    I wondered about the thickness of the ply getting in the way but as I've not seen an actual working sunroof I'm clueless :roll: :) The inner panel looks like it's shaped to take the roof lining material with holes for the metal 'bow' rod things to sit in. It's a bit *too* shaped to be painted...
  11. W

    Fellow sunroof bus owners...

    Thanks Pete I'll look at getting some ply to fit I think then, the panel I've got is pretty manky although I haven't tried to clean it yet :) W
  12. W

    Fellow sunroof bus owners...

    I have just fitted a ply lining to my bus and have realised that I don't have a clue what to do with the sunroof inner panel, I've got the panel itself, that the headlining material is usually put on, but I wondered what other people had done with theirs as I've never seen one 'in the flesh'...
  13. W

    Hello - Westy Feb 1968

    Oooh Kat that upholstery is beautiful! I'm in the North East, my bus only ever travels on the back of a trailer atm :roll: The MOT is getting closer though :lol:
  14. W

    Who else has a cool camping, show going VW dog?

    My dog Lola, when she was a puppy June 2011, in my bus just after I got it. :D She's been camping at VW Festival 2011 and the very wet Mighty DubFest 2012. She's had to slum it in a tent so far but hopefully this year, if the MOT gods are smiling on me then I might get to take the bus to one...
  15. W

    saying hello

    I'm loving the curvy wine holder! :mrgreen:
  16. W

    How I built my Interior units for my '72 Bay. FINISHED!!!

    Wow, too beautiful for words! Congratulations on all your hard work paying off :D
  17. W

    Radio / Stereo

    Hi LA There's another recent thread here, might be useful :) Don't know how to link to it but if you scroll down it's called 'Retro radios' HTH W viewtopic.php?f=1&t=46885
  18. W

    Bamboo parcel shelf !!

    Brilliant :D Thank you :mrgreen:
  19. W

    Bamboo parcel shelf !!

    Could someone send me a template too please and thank you? Wx